which program is right for you?
TCSA REcreational
For $280/year* the player receives…
- 9 fall games, 7 spring games PLUS end of season tournament – all on Saturdays
- Minimum of 1 practice per week with a volunteer parent coach
- Access to additional training sessions with our staff coaches
* Assumes annual sign up during the early registration period
TCFC Competitive
Travel costs vary by age
- At least 2 training sessions per week (one with certified parent coach and one with professional staff trainer)
- 16 league games (8 fall and 8 spring) on either Saturday or Sunday
- At least 2 tournaments (dates and locations determined by each team individually)
- Free Fast Footwork training (once per week during fall and spring seasons)
- Free Goalkeeper training (once per week during fall and spring seasons)